Reg Charity No: 270157
Transcendental Meditation North West London offers authentic courses approved by the founder of Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
We are listed as an approved centre on the official Transcendental Meditation website www.tm.org.uk.
Transcendental Meditation classes are taught by qualified teachers who have spent at least six months on full-time training programmes designed and supervised by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation.
The teaching of Transcendental Meditation is administered by a national educational charity, the Maharishi Foundation, which maintains the standard of teaching nationwide.
TM has a wide range of benefits, from reduced stress to better health, clearer thinking, and increased creativity. There have been hundreds of scientific research studies and reviews on TM, conducted at 214 institutions in 27 countries, and published in more than 100 scientific journals.
For Your Mind
A variety of physiological indicators have been used to show that TM produces very deep rest, even though it is only practised for 20 minutes at a time. This allows you to ‘recharge’ and build up energy for the day.
For Your Body
It makes good sense to think that the profound state of rest gained when practising TM – deeper than sleep – will be good for your body. One of the commonest reported effects after learning is sleeping better and improved health. But don’t take our word for it: hundreds of doctors in the UK both practise TM and recommend it to their patients.
For Your Work
Research on American businesses where employees have been taught Transcendental Meditation found that they had significantly:
- Less anxiety, job tension, insomnia, and fatigue
- Reduced cigarette and hard liquor use
- Improved health and fewer health complaints
- Enhanced effectiveness, job satisfaction, and work/personal relationships
For Your Area
The individual is the unit, the building block of society. With Transcendental Meditation, we can give people a technique to reduce stress and help them be happier and more fulfilled, and so society as a whole will also have these qualities.
Senior Instructor
Michael Pierce has been a teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 1980. Besides teaching TM, he has been a Director of a Housing Trust and Assistant Principal of a College of Further Education.
He lives with his partner, Claire, a psychotherapist, and their daughter, Gabriella, and is the author of Bland Ambition and Other Poems (David Paul Press).

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