What You Will Learn |
What Transcendental Meditation ™ is and how it differs from other types of meditation |
How TM can benefit your mind, body, and spirit in various ways |
How to learn TM from a qualified teacher and practice it correctly |
How to join the TM community and access the resources and support available |
What is Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental Meditation ™ is a technique of silent mantra meditation that was introduced to the world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the mid-1950s. Maharishi was a disciple of Guru Dev, a respected sage of the ancient Vedic tradition of India. Maharishi’s vision was to restore the lost knowledge of TM and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, culture, or religion.
TM is a simple and natural technique that anyone can learn and enjoy. It does not require any concentration, focus, or effort. It does not involve any beliefs, rituals, or changes in lifestyle. It is simply a way of calming the mind to its most silent and peaceful state, which Maharishi called transcendental consciousness.
TM is taught by certified teachers who have received at least six months of full-time training under Maharishi’s guidance. The learning process consists of four sessions, each lasting about an hour. In the first session, the teacher gives an overview of TM and its benefits. In the second session, the teacher gives the student a personal mantra, which is a sound that has no meaning attached to it. The mantra is selected according to the student’s individual characteristics and preferences. In the third and fourth sessions, the teacher instructs the student on how to use the mantra properly and effortlessly, and answers any questions or doubts that may arise.
The practice of TM is easy and pleasant. The student sits comfortably with eyes closed and silently repeats the mantra in the mind for 15-20 minutes twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. During this time, the mind naturally becomes more quiet and relaxed, while the body gains deep rest and rejuvenation. The student experiences a state of pure awareness, which is beyond thoughts, feelings, and sensations. This is the state of transcendental consciousness, which is the source of all creativity, intelligence, and happiness.
How TM Can Benefit You
TM has many benefits for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the reasons why you should try TM:
- TM reduces stress and anxiety. Stress is one of the main causes of many health problems and psychological disorders in modern society. TM helps you cope with stress by releasing accumulated tension and restoring balance in your nervous system. TM also increases your resilience and adaptability to challenging situations.
- TM improves your health. TM has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, enhance immune system function, reduce inflammation, slow aging, and prevent or alleviate various chronic diseases. TM also improves your sleep quality and reduces your dependence on drugs or alcohol.
- TM enhances your creativity. Creativity is essential for personal growth, professional success, and social innovation. TM stimulates your brain’s creative potential by increasing coherence between different brain regions, activating the right hemisphere, and expanding your awareness beyond the boundaries of space and time. TM also boosts your confidence, motivation, and joy in expressing your unique talents.
- TM develops your consciousness. Consciousness is the essence of who you are and what you can achieve. TM enables you to access higher states of consciousness that are normally hidden or dormant in most people. These states include cosmic consciousness (the permanent experience of transcendental consciousness along with waking, dreaming, and sleeping states), god consciousness (the refined perception of the subtle aspects of nature), and unity consciousness (the realization of one’s identity with the universal self). These states bring profound insights, blissful feelings, and universal love into your life.
How to Learn TM
If you are interested in learning TM, you can contact Transcendental Meditation Mill Hill, an approved centre that offers TM courses and follow-up support in a friendly and professional environment. Transcendental Meditation Mill Hill is part of the Maharishi Foundation, a national educational charity that administers the teaching of TM in the UK.

Michael Pierce has been a teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 1980. Besides teaching TM, he has been a Director of a Housing Trust and Assistant Principal of a College of Further Education. He lives with his partner, Claire, a psychotherapist, and their daughter, Gabriella, and is the author of Bland Ambition and Other Poems (David Paul Press).
Learn more about Michael or to book a consultation here